June 9th – 12th, 2016 over 300.000 tourists visited The Hanseatic Days 2016 festival. The event’s management team faced the challenge of maintaining security for all visitors and participants. The biggest challenge was how to manage and coordinate all persons involved and all potential incidents, given a


  • large event
  • areamultiple, ongoing small events
  • high number of employees, volunteers and security personnel
  • extremely high number of tourists

Traditional ways of communicating and coordination, through phone and radio would not do the job. Bergen harbour sought a better solution

It was decided to use RAYVN for notification, coordination and communication. All involved personnel communicated with the system via app or SMS. Any situation was logged in the system, including the geo-position of all employees and volunteers. Coast guard, special police and security personnel continuously monitored data captured from a distributed force, into a central log and made well informed decisions about any situation.

By the end of the festival, the event management team had kept all situations under control, despite the large area and the number of people. Personnel had been effectively deployed to situations that needed their attention. In headquarters, they were very happy. As one of the members of the headquarters team said: “it was so quiet. We got a complete overview of all incidents as they happened, resolved them almost without using phones. That is unique and a huge step forward for us.”

Some videos from the Hanseatic days in Bergen


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