1. Introduction

In May 2018, a newย EU-wide regulation, GDPRย (General Data Protection Regulation), went into effect. This new regulation builds upon previous legislation and directives regarding privacy, data protection and information security, but strengthens individualsโ€™ protections and rights in several areas and places clearer duties and accountability on companies handling personal data.

2. Personal Data ย 

GDPR applies toย personal data, in a wide sense, i.e. any information about, or that can be traced back to, individuals.

Traditional examples of personal data (or โ€˜personally identifiable informationโ€™, PII) are directly identifying data (e.g. name, social security number, phone number, bank account number), but the term also includes anything an individual has authored (e.g. messages, login credentials, written evaluations, program settings, form data) as well as informationย about anย individual (e.g. religious and organizational affiliations) and data thatโ€™s being automatically generated based on the individualโ€™sย actions(e.g. location data, ad profiling, usage logs including IP addresses).

In other words, the regulation will affect any and all companies even if the data in question is as innocuous as a list of contact information for its employees or customers.

Data that are stored and handled pseudonymously (i.e. information that isnโ€™t directly identifying, for example a candidate number - or data thatโ€™s โ€˜hiddenโ€™, e.g. by encryption), but still identifiable in combination with data from other sources or by patterns inside the information itself, are still considered personal data - although pseudonymization could be described as an appropriate measure for reducing the consequences of a data leak (โ€˜loss of confidentialityโ€™).

Onlyย completely anonymousย data, fully decoupled from identity in a non-reversible way, falls outside the scope of the regulation, e.g. statistically aggregated data from a large enough population (to ensure that an individualโ€™s effect on the aggregate is impossible to identify).

3. Purpose

The purpose of the regulation, as RAYVN understands it, is twofold:

  1. Primarily, GDPR focuses on giving the registered individuals (โ€˜data subjectsโ€™) awareness of, insight into, real influence over and ownership of personal data relating to themselves. The means to obtaining these ends are laid down in severalย rights theย individuals (data subjects) have, as well asย responsibilities theย handling companies have. More on these topics in sectionsย 4ย toย 6, below.
  2. Secondly, GDPR aims to unify data protection legislation across borders (the regulation does not require national governments to ratify it - it is directly binding forย all memberย states of the EU, and will likely be applicable in the entire EEA), thus creating a simplified regulatory environment for companies handling personal data.

4. Roles and scope

There are several definedย roles whichย affect rights, responsibilities, and accountability as they pertain to GDPR:

  1. Data subject: The registered individuals; the subjects that the personal data concerns.
  2. Data controller: An organization, typically a company, that decides a)ย what data willย be stored/processed, b)ย the purpose forย which such data is stored/processed, and c)ย the means and methods ofย the data storage/processing.

    The data controller is ultimately responsible for implementing appropriate measures ensuring that the requirements of GDPR are adhered to, both in its own organization and by subcontractors, such that the data subjects can exercise all their rights according to GDPR and such that none of the provisions are violated.
  3. Data processor: An organization, typically a subcontractor of the data controller, that stores/processes personal data on behalf of and according to the directions of the data controller.

GDPR applies to any data subject, data controller, or data processor that is based in the EU, as well as for personal data of any EU resident even if the controller and/or the processor(s) are based outside the EU.

5. Rightsย 

In order to protect the security (confidentiality, integrity and availability as they are commonly defined and understood in the information security field) of your data and the systems and services that process it, we will assess the related risks (threats, probabilities and consequences) and implement both technical and organizational measures as appropriate (taking assumed costs and effectiveness of the measures into account).

Please understand that the landscape of threats and tools changes all the time, sometimes overnight, and that ensuring acceptable security over time requires a continual process of evaluation and improvement. Indeed, no process can โ€‹guarantee the absolute safety of your data, but we do our best to keep in line with best industry practices and to update our routines and systems as needed.

In the unfortunate event of a data breach, we will notify the involved and interested parties, including the relevant supervisory authority, in accordance with the GDPR, Article 33 and 34.ย 

6. Responsibilitiesย 

GDPR grants several rights to individuals (data subjects) regarding storage and processing of, as well as access to, their own personal data:

  1. Information about registration: Data subjects must be able to get information about the terms of the storage/processing of their own personal data, e.g. what kind of data is being stored/processed, for what purpose, for how long, etc.
  2. Access to data: Data subjects must be able to access and review their own personal data (with some exceptions).
  3. Rectification of data: There must exist a process for data subjects to be able to notify the controller about incorrect/incomplete data and/or, whenever appropriate, to be able to correct and/or complete their own personal data.
  4. Restriction of storage/processing of data: Data subjects must at any time be able to signal their objection, or withdrawal of prior consent, to store/process their own personal data.
  5. Erasure of data: There must exist a process for data subjects to be able to request the erasure of their own personal data and for the request to be considered and handled within a reasonable time frame.
  6. Portability of data: Data subjects must be able to export their own personal data to a standard, open, electronic, and machine-readable format, so that they can bring with them their data to a different provider without hindrance by the data controller.

7. Disclaimer

In some cases, an individualโ€™s rights or interests may be in opposition to the legitimate interests of a data controller or other parties (employers, national governments, etc.). This document only gives anย overview ofย the basic rights and responsibilities put forth by the GDPR, as currently understood by RAYVN. As such, a detailed discussion of exceptions, borderline cases, and legal precedents is outside the scope of this document.

This document is created purely for informational purposes and doesย not offerย or make any promises about future RAYVN product or service features, a service level agreement, terms of use, or any other kind of legally binding offer, agreement, or contract.

8. Changes to This Policyย 

We may revise our Privacy Policy if we deem it necessary, e.g. for legal reasons or to reflect changes to our services. Whenever we do, we will update the "Last revision date" and make the revised document publicly available along with a short description of what was changed ("changelog"). The revised Privacy Policy will take effect thirty (30) days after we make it available.

We will notify our existing customers of any substantial changes and we also encourage all data subjects (individuals) to review our Privacy Policy periodically and make themselves aware of any changes. We encourage you to contact us if you have specific questions or requests regarding the changes.

Your continued use of our services, after the changes take effect, will be regarded as your acceptance of the changes. Consequently, if you do not agree to the changes, we will unfortunately have to require you to stop using our services before the changes take effect. We hope you appreciate that this is a requirement that is necessary for us to deliver consistent services, under the same rules, to everyone.

9. How to Contact Usย 

If you have any questions, requests, or concerns related to our Privacy Policy or RAYVNโ€™s privacy and data protection practices in general, please contact us at privacy@rayvn.global and we will do our best to assist you.

Updated 2021/02/10.